FAST (NetSuite ERP): How to Access FAST


This article is for information around logging in to FAST (NetSuite ERP) and any considerations around access.  This article applies to WFAA Employees, Contractors, and Vendors.

  • NOTE
    • If you have access to Confluence, see also FAST - Environments
    • If you are using a FAST administrator type FAST security role, see the "How to access FAST as an Admin" section below.  SSO is not an option for FAST admin access.

How to access FAST using OneLogin (using SSO - Single Sign On)

1. Navigate to in a browser

2. Locate and click on the "FAST" (NetSuite) tile


  • If you do not see the tile, you may need to click on "Company: University of Wisconsin Foundation" to see all tiles



3. You will be redirected to DUO Multi-Factor Authentication to validate your identity, click on "Send Me a Push" to receive a notification to your DUO App


4. You will be redirected to the FAST home page and using the role you used previously.


How to access FAST as an Admin (using basic name/password authentication)

How to change role or environment (account) in FAST

To change your current role or environment (account,) hover over your name in the top right and click on one of the entries below the name of the current account





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