Install Salesforce Data Loader


Java SDK 11 or higher must be installed prior to installing the Salesforce Data Loader. Users can find this in the Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub.

Install Java

  1. Open Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub.Install Java from Workspace One1.png

  2. Find Java SE Development Kit 11. Click on the down arrow to install the application.Install Java from Workspace One2.png
  3. Press Install.Install Java from Workspace One3.png
  4. You can check the status of the installation by pressing the Activity Monitor button in the top right of the screen.Install Java from Workspace One4.pngInstall Java from Workspace One5.png
  5. In this case, the Java SE Development Kit 11 installation has completed.
  6. If the installation is not starting right away, make sure to press the Refresh button to have the device check in with Workspace ONE.Install Java from Workspace One6.png
  7. f you need to manually install, you will need local Admin credentials.
    1. "%USERPROFILE%\Downloads\jdk-11.0.18_windows-x64_bin.exe" or newer version.

Install Data Loader

  1. Extract Salesforce Data Loader zip file to local folder.
    1. "%USERPROFILE%\Downloads\" or newer version.
  2. Run install.bat. DO NOT install with local Admin credentials. You want to install as the current user.install salesforce dataloader1.pnginstall salesforce dataloader2.png
  3. Press Enter to install in the default directory: %USERPROFILE%\dataloader. It is recommended to create the start menu shortcut and desktop icon.install salesforce dataloader3.png
  4. Press any key to finish the installation.


  1. If you run the Data Loader and you see this message, Java has not been successfully installed.install salesforce dataloader4.png

Remove Data Loader

  1. Delete desktop icon and start menu shortcut.
    1. Desktop icon
      1. "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\Dataloader 58.0.3.lnk"
    2. Start Menu
      1. "%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Salesforce\Dataloader 58.0.3.lnk"
  2. Delete %USERPROFILE%\dataloader folder.
    1. rd /s /q %USERPROFILE%\dataloader
  3. Uninstall Java SE Development Kit 11.
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