Campaign Counting Top 25 by Purpose complete reference


In this article:

What is a Campaign Top 25 by Purpose report?

The Campaign Top 25 by Purpose report shows a list of the top 25 donors to the campaign overall, by unit, or by department. Each top donor’s campaign total is broken out by fund purpose. This includes campaign commitments from the start of the campaign (7/1/2013) to the current date, based on revenue that has been entered in ABE CRM as of the date the report is run.

This report is only available as a PDF.


How to access a Campaign Top 25 by Purpose report

  1. Log in to ABE CRM.
  2. On the navigation bar, click WFAA Reports.
  3. Click Campaign Top 25 by Purpose Report.
  4. Select All units or a specific unit.
  5. Select All departments or a specific department.
  6. Consolidate Purposes:
    1. Select Yes to see certain fund purposes aggregated.
    2. Select No to see each fund purpose distinctly.
  7. Include Anonymous Gifts:
    1. Select No if this report will be shared with a campus partner.
    2. Select Yes if this report will be only used internally with WFAA.
  8. Click View Report.


How to interpret a Campaign Top 25 by Purpose report

What is included in the Campaign Top 25 by Purpose Report?

For the donors listed, this report includes:

  • Gifts received since July 2013, including Gifts In Kind and Informational Gifts
  • Pledge payments received since July 2013 that were not counted in the previous campaign
  • Deferred pledges documented since July 2013
  • Pledge commitments received since July 2013, excluding any payment amounts that have also been received since July 2013
  • Estate gifts realized after July 2013 that were not counted in the previous campaign
  • A small number of gifts received prior to July 2013 are included in campaign totals, at the discretion of the Chief Development Officer.
  • Revenue totals are as of the date the report is run. Only gifts that have been entered in ABE CRM will show in this report.

How are the fund purposes summarized if I select “Consolidate Purposes?”

Faculty Support

Includes Faculty Support and Endowed Chairs/Professorships use codes.

Student Support

Includes Undergraduate Student Financial Support, Graduate Student Financial Support use codes.

Research and Programs

Includes Research, Programs, and Research Equipment use codes.

Buildings and Grounds

Includes the Buildings and Grounds use code.


Includes the Discretionary use code.

Planned Gifts Undetermined

Includes planned gifts committed during the campaign and will be received by WFAA in the future. These have yet to be assigned to a specific fund purpose.


Downloadable PDF

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