Connect to iPhone Hotspot


There are times when you may need to take advantage of your WFAA iPhone and its unlimited hotspot data plan. Follow these steps to establish a internet connection.

  1. To use your iPhone’s hotspot with your WFAA laptop, first open Settings on your iPhone
  2. Make sure that you have Wi-Fi turned on
  3. Select Personal Hotspot from the list
    1. IMG_00785.PNG
  4. Verify that you have Allow Others to Join toggled on
    1. IMG_0079.PNG
  5. Next, select your iPhone from the list of available network devices on your laptop
    1. Screenshot 2024-07-03 085637.png
    2. You may have to first disconnect from your laptop's current network in order to see the hotspot
    3. If you still do not see your hotspot on the list, toggle your hotspot off/on with your iPhone
  6. Use the Wi-Fi Password from your iPhone to sign into the hotspot
  7. Contact the help center if you have any questions (
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