Sending or receiving a Fax at WFAA


Receiving a Fax

The main fax numbers that were in use previously are now ported into the Ring Central system.  If a fax is sent attention to a WFAA staff member, the receptionist can forward the email to the recipient of the fax.

The two numbers to receive are:

(608) 262-3332 for 650

(608) 263-0781 for 1848


Sending a Fax

If the document is paper only, scan and email it to yourself from a MFD.

If there is confidential information in the fax -- do not attach the file -- contact the helpdesk for assistance in sending the item. Submit a fax via the helpdesk form named Fax Request located here.



Fill out the subject.

Enter the number to send to in the description field.

Attach the document and submit.


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