Objective: Virtual and hybrid meeting participants can see and hear each other and view visual content (i.e. a PowerPoint presentation) presented by the host.
To achieve this, use the following guidance to address participant audio, participant video, and screen sharing.
- Equipment
- Laptops for all meeting participants.
- Varsity resources:
- Meeting Owl
- Projector, projector screen and keypad
- HDMI cable attached to lectern
- Conference phone and wireless mics (if needed)
- Participant Audio & Video (Set Up By Host)
- Share a Zoom/Teams call invite with all meeting participants.
- Join the Zoom/Teams call and mute mic. Mute computer speakers.
- You have two options for speaker audio:
- Use the Meeting Owl stored in the closet of 4 Varsity. We utilize this device for video capture during Varsity meetings and its audio functionality works for most. Some have expressed that it is hard to hear speakers from the back of the room. See this document for more information on Owl setup.
- The conference phone and its two microphones facilitate communication for all participants. For best results, place the conference phone on the podium side of the front table. You may use the wireless microphones from anywhere in the room. See this document for more information on the conference phone and its mics.
- Make sure that the audio for the Owl is muted if you are using it for video but the conference phone for audio.
- In-person attendees: Join the Zoom/Teams call. Mute mics in the call. Mute computer speakers. We have experienced some delays when all users join the meeting from their laptops. If this happens, have as many in-person attendees close out of the meeting (and power down their laptops if possible).
- Virtual attendees: Join the Zoom/Teams call. Mute mics in the call when not speaking and unmute to speak.
- Share a Zoom/Teams call invite with all meeting participants.
- Screen Sharing (Set Up By Host)
- Use projector in room for in-person attendees:
- Connect presenter's laptop to HDMI cable attached to lectern.
- To adjust the projector screen, use the keypad located on the wall near the lectern. Press the Controls button in the lower right, then use the controls to move the projector screen up or down.
- To present your laptop screen on the projector screen, use the keypad located on the wall near the lectern. Press the Presentation button on the upper left of the screen > Lectern. This duplicates your laptop screen via the projector.
- Tips:
- To show different content on your laptop vs. your projector, press the WINDOWS KEY + P on your laptop keyboard > Extend.
- To present a PowerPoint presentation while making the notes visible to only the host (Presenter View), use the Extend view outlined above. In PowerPoint, select Slide Show > From Beginning
- Tips:
- Sharing for virtual attendees:
- In Zoom, click Share Screen and select the content you wish to share.
- If you wish to share PowerPoint slides to all attendees but wish to reference the PowerPoint speaker notes in presenter view:
- Open your slideshow in Powerpoint. Select the Slide Show tab > Use Presenter View.
In Zoom, click on Share Screen > Advanced > select the screen you wish to share.
- If you wish to share PowerPoint slides to all attendees but wish to reference the PowerPoint speaker notes in presenter view:
- In Zoom, click Share Screen and select the content you wish to share.
- Use projector in room for in-person attendees:
- In Teams, click Share > Window. From there you should be able to select a running application to share.
- In Teams, click Share > Window. From there you should be able to select a running application to share.
Alternate Options:
Scenario: It is difficult for virtual participants to hear an in-person participant (i.e. in-person participant has a quiet voice and/or they are located far away from a mic).
Solution: Everyone will already be on the Zoom/Teams call (see steps above). Host or in-person participant mutes the Owl and/or conference phone mics, while the in-person participant un-mutes their mic in Zoom/Teams to speak. This allows virtual participants to hear the individual without creating feedback from multiple mics at once.
Scenario: Group preference is to use MS Teams rather than Zoom and only one person is participating virtually.
- Participant Audio & Video
- Host: Share an MS Teams invite with all meeting participants. Join the MS Teams call. Mute mic in MS Teams. Mute computer speakers. Set up the Owl (and conference phone if needed). For best results, place the Owl and/or conference phone on the podium side of the front table. You may use the wireless microphones from anywhere in the room. See this document for more information on the conference phone and its mics.
- In-person attendees: Join the MS Teams call. Mute mics in MS Teams. Mute computer speakers.
- Virtual attendee: Join the MS Teams call. Mute mic in MS Teams. Mute computer speakers.
- Screen Sharing (Set Up By Host)
- Use projector in room for in-person attendees:
- Connect laptop to HDMI cable attached to lectern.
- To adjust the projector screen, use the keypad located on the wall near the lectern. Press the Controls button in the lower right, then use the controls to move the projector screen up or down.
- To present your laptop screen on the projector screen, use the keypad located on the wall near the lectern. Press the Presentation button on the upper left of the screen. Select Lectern. This duplicates your laptop screen via the projector. Tips:
- To show different content on your laptop vs. your projector, press the WINDOWS KEY + P on your laptop keyboard, and this will pop up a sidebar. Select the Extend option.
- To present a PowerPoint presentation while making the notes visible to only the host (“presenter view”), use the Extend view outlined above. In PowerPoint, select Slide Show, then select From Beginning.
- Use MS Teams for virtual attendee:
- In MS Teams, click Share. Select a Window to share. For example, selecting a Window can allow you to share only the audience-facing slides of a PowerPoint deck.
- Use projector in room for in-person attendees: